interviewed by Juli Black
Dimitri Economou
The Spanos Corporation
Executive VP
How long have you lived in Preston Hollow East?
We moved into PHE just over two years ago.
What in the neighborhood are most passionate about / What is your favorite thing about living in Preston Hollow East?
I think there are several things that my family and I care about. First we care about the safety of the neighborhood because this is where we are raising our family. Shortly after we moved into our new house, someone banged on our windows at 4 a.m. and woke up the entire house. Since that time, we have noticed PHEHA signs increasing throughout the neighborhood. As such we have noticed a big reduction in solicitors and “odd activity” as a result.
Second, we care about the park because that was one of the biggest reasons we purchased the lot and built a house in the neighborhood. The park is great for the kids and they love it.
My favorite thing about living in PHE is the convenience to everything in Dallas and the DFW metro as a whole.
Tell us about AG Spanos and what makes your company unique.
A.G. Spanos Companies, a family-owned business, was founded by my grandfather in 1960, in Stockton, California, to build apartments in the region. Since then it has grown into a national land development and construction company but is still headquartered in Stockton. For the last 12 years, following my grandfather’s retirement, the company is managed by my two uncles, while my brother and I run the company’s construction activities in several states.
Tell us about your interest in PD15 and vision for the area.
AGS is really excited to have the opportunity to bring a quality project to my own neighborhood. Since I live nearby, this is a development I will drive by daily and be proud to show my children.
What other projects are you working on (or have worked on) in the Dallas Area?
My family asked me to move to Dallas from LA almost 5 years ago in order to reboot and reorganize the Texas office. It became clear once we moved that Dallas was a great place to raise a family. On the business side, the rebooting process required a lot more time and effort than anticipated. However, the business relationships that have developed in the past two years have AGS evaluating lots of new deals at this time and our pipeline is solidifying as a result.
My wife is Cary and we have two boys, Taki and Telis.

What are your hobbies and hobbies for your family?
In no particular order, my hobbies are going to the gym, playing XBOX with my oldest (yes I am from the Atari generation; I can’t seem to let that hobby go), traveling with my family, watching NFL and other sports, and being involved with our kids and their school activities.
Favorite time of year in the neighborhood?
Halloween to Christmas b/c the neighborhood is filled with decorations and both boys love seeing them while we drive, walk etc…
Cowboys or Chargers?
My family has owned the LA Chargers since 1983 so we are all die-hard Bolt fans.
PHEHA is always interested in hearing about our neighbors that are involved in many different and interesting things. Please drop us a note and share your spotlight idea(s) with us if you know of someone that we should consider spotlighting! You may send us an email with your suggestions.