Yesterday was a big day in the lives of 10 cancer patients from Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. The Carson Leslie Foundation refers to the patients as VIP’s (very important patients) and the foundation has taken up the torch, of encouraging teens in the cancer battle from Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.

Ten VIP’s, an oncologist, a nurse and a few members of the Carson Leslie Foundation traveled by limos in time to hit the field when the team hit the field!
Carson, continuing to make a huge impact was signed as an official Dallas Cowboy on December 22, 2006 at 14 years old, just a few months after being diagnosed with brain cancer, Carson talked about that contract and that day for the rest of his young life. During his fight, he wrote a book he titled
Carry Me that was published 6 days before he died, Jerry and Stephen Jones wrote in the forward.
“Carson, you have been a source of inspiration for me since the day I met you. Our signing you to an official Dallas Cowboys player contract was a meaningful day for me and our family. I want you to know that once you become a Dallas Cowboy, you remain a Dallas Cowboy, forever.” - Jerry Jones
Jerry Jones has been true to his word. Carson’s spirit was present at the Dolphins game in the lives of 10 cancer patients from Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. Jerry and Stephen invited the VIP’s to pregame warm-ups then off to a private suite to watch the game with plenty of food, drinks, smiles and souvenirs!
Read the press release here...

On North Texas Giving Day, September 22,
Carry Me will be on display at The Library of Congress at the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, Golden Toast, an event that honors the Co-Chairmen of the Childhood Cancer Caucus.
Carry Me, Carson wrote, “I feel deserted and lonely... I am not looking for some meaningful deep conversation; I am just looking for a conversation. The weather will work.”
So with inspiration from Carson and a host of generous souls, the Carson Leslie Foundation built Carson’s Corner, the teen room on the cancer floor at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. It’s a little corner on the cancer floor where cancer fighting teens can walk or wheel down to talk about the weather, music, movies, treatment…
“I couldn’t help but think about Carson and how happy he would have been in there and how his life inspires us. He is continuing to impact people with his legacy and is making life better for these teens.” - Melinda Goff, Director of Childlife, Oncology at Children’s Health of Dallas
To keep Carson’s Corner current with technology, games, updates to the room and gifts of encouragement for the over 400 teens annually treated at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas; we need your help.
We also provide Under Armor backpacks for newly diagnosed teen patients full of items needed for extended hospital stays; we need your help.
In addition to Carson’s Corner and Under Armor backpacks, three times a year, in first class fashion, we take cancer fighting teens from Children’s Medical Center of Dallas out and about our great city in limos, in suites, complete with food, drinks, souvenirs, smiles and memories to a Dallas Cowboy game, a Dallas Maverick game and a Texas Ranger game; we need your help!
Carson poured out his heart in a journal during his 3+ year battle with brain cancer. As he got weaker, he asked his English teacher to help him put his thoughts on paper and then negotiated that his journal be his passing grade for freshman English!
And when cancer was relentless, he asked that his journal be published, “to give a voice to the teenagers and children who have cancer but are unable to express how such an illness affects their personal, social, physical and emotional life. I want others to understand how to be a better friend to someone he/she knows,” Carson Leslie. So at lightning speed, six days before he died, Jan Miller of Dupree Miller, published
Carry Me.

Since then, Carry Me has found a place on the hallowed shelves of The Library of Congress, thousands of copies have sold with proceeds going to encourage teens in the battle at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas and to study the disease that invaded his brain and claimed his young life.
For more information please visit the Carson Leslie Foundation North Texas Giving Day profile page.
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